Building on the Basics: Creating Your Tribe on the Move
March 23-25, 2017 in The Hague
March 23-25, 2017 at the World Trade Center, The Hague.
The 2017 Families in Global Transition Conference will revisit the basics: What is the definition of an expat? A Third Culture Kid? A foreign assignment? High mobility? A global family? The FIGT network of researchers, educators, counselors, relocation specialists, artists, humanitarians, entrepreneurs, students and parents will unpack the terms and frameworks that help make sense of global mobility’s impact on identity, career and community development. Through discussion about updating definitions, we will advance our understanding of cross-cultural and globally mobile communities in an age of profound cultural, economic and political complexity. If a common basic need for our diverse communities is a sense of belonging, what are the practical steps to finding your “tribe” and helping others do the same?
This year’s conference takes place over three full days and features:
- Over 50 renowned speakers representing all aspects of the expat experience.
- Ignite sessions to spark new ideas!
- Panel Discussions looking at the big picture issues.
- Thought provoking concurrent sessions.
- Dynamic, interactive kitchen table conversations.
- Networking with some of the most respected names in expat research, service provision, and cross cultural education.
- Forums and workshops with successful expat innovators and writers.
- Dedicated Researchers’ and Writers’ Forums, promoting expertise exchange for interest specific attendees.
- Millennials’ evening forum and networking
- Author signings and a bookstore brimming with expat centric literature.
What is a Portable Career - The 2017 Discussion
Concurrent Session Presentation, Saturday, March 25
A Career in Your Suitcase has evolved since Jo Parfitt first coined the term in 1998. Using current research and statistics as well as future forecasts, we will unpack the terms, explore the implications and together develop a stronger understanding of what a ‘portable career’ in 2017 is and can be, and why a tribe is necessary for a successful Career in Your Suitcase.